The pottery of Sejnane, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Published : 01-12-2018

The women of Sejnane, in Northern Tunisia, mould the clay since time immemorial. Their skills have just been recognized by UNESCO.

The women of Sejnane are perpetuating an art which goes back into the mists of time: namely moulded pottery, the prerogative of women in Tunisia, whilst the potter’s wheel is traditionally reserved for men.
UNESCO has just inscribed the pottery skills of the women of Sejnane on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

In the village in Sejnane, in Northern Tunisia, there are many women moulding the clay which is found there in abundance. Using rudimentary means, they produce bowls, cooking pots, toys and dolls whose red and black decorations have become famous. 

Sabiha Ayari is one of the most skilled potter of Sejnane. Rewarded with creative crafts awards, she knew how to evolve this traditional practice into artistic handicrafts without ever betraying the spirit of ancestral pottery. 

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